Hey everyone, I'm so exhausted (´・_・`) it's definitely hard doing gal, work,school and friends but gal is a 24/7 thing, which is why I get upset when I see someone tag "gyaru" and "Cosplay" together (-.- ) but here's last weeks outfit!!! I tried to do a bit of a koakuma ageha look ^^
.I had a lot of fun doing this look ^^ like a goshikku princess haha! I was able to do a lighter look this week, and here's how it turned out (^∇^)
Hahaha no no just kidding.
Here's my look (≧∇≦)
Eye make <3
This weeks coord *^o^*
I'm really in love with these boots *o* there so pink and the fur and bow are removeable as you can see
Also I know it's not a huge accomplishment but I have 21 subscribers to my youtube channel. And though that's really nothing because I just started the channel it's a huge accomplishment for me because I'm pretty introverted (´・_・`) May not seem like it but I am pretty shy, I also feel pretty good because the gal com has been ridiculously SWEEEET when I showed my outfits I got nothing but kind words and I do appreciate it because of my weight I've always done face selfies. Thanks everyone you make me smile all the time <3 <3 <3 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))